Suryadi CPA

Suryadi, CPA has a wide range of experience (29 years) in managing audits and accounting. He was Suvervisor at Deloitte Indonesia (1990-1996), General Manager at PT Baruna Raya Logistic (1996-2004), Manager at Kosasih, Nurdiyaman, Tjhajo & rekan (2007-2010) and then Senior Manager at Zulfikar & Rizal (2011-2018). The last formal education at Pancasila University with Master’s degree of economic (MM).


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Kantor Akuntan Publik Suryadi dan Rizal (Head Office).


Perumahan Jatijajar Blok D18 No.1-2, Depok

Work Time:

Monday - Friday from 08.00 to 18.00


(021) 87744163

Kantor Akuntan Publik Suryadi dan Rizal (Banda Aceh).


Jl Rombean No. 69A Lamlagang, Banda Aceh 23239

Work Time:

Monday - Friday from 08.00 to 18.00


(0651) 43994